Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Sheets in the laundry, Mary Poppins and a second cup of coffee

I know, I said Monday's.  But I find myself faced with a morning off (sort of) so I figured I should take advantage.  I heard those most dreaded words this morning "Mommy, I threw up in my bed."  poor Taylor is sick today.  We tried 1/4 cup of milk and it promptly came back up.  So officially sick and staying either in bed or on the couch.  Due to sickness, I have relaxed my strict 30 min only of TV this morning and turned on Mary Poppins.  After all, that is the only good thing about being sick right?  You get to stay in PJ's and watch movies until you feel better?  Lucky Ayla gets to share in Sissy's sick-day indulgance....oooh, water was a no-go as well.  Poor baby!

So I have a few pictures if anyone would like to see them:

As you can see, someone is a stinker.  She was found recently getting into something she knows is not hers. There was little remorse, mostly giggles as she watched me trying my hardest to look upset and not burst into laughter.  And of course running to grab the camera (I"m not sure that sends the best message) But now we have proof and I can tease her about it forever!

Isn't she so pretty?

 Ah, my child!  It is a good thing you are so very cute!

And as promised - a few Christmas pictures:

 Taylor picked out the tree herself, she was so proud!  We decorated together and Ayla promptly un-decorated.  The bottom three feet of our tree ended up being lights only and our pile of broken/discovered ornaments to the side kept growing.  I am still finding them around the house, popped into various corners.  She had fun this Christmas!

Of  course they wanted to "help" with everything

Taylor put the star up and Ayla "fixed" it.  They both were involved in all parts of the decorating.  As it should be!

Christmas eve we went to Church, then family came over to our house for hot cider and homemade soft pretzels.  Second year we have done that now, that means it is tradition now!  The girls opened their new PJ's.  Ayla went to bed right away, she was a tired girl.  Taylor was staying up until we looked on the Santa tracker on the computer and said "looks like Santa is almost here"  Knowing she had to be in bed for him to come she gasped and dashed into her room as fast as she could!  We had to assure her she had time to go potty, that it was safe - that Santa WOULD come but only after she had done potty.   It took some convincing to get her back out from under covers! Funny, we have not pushed Santa at all - I figure any explaining one way or the other would be confusing for a 3 year old.  So we have let it be as it will be and she had so much fun pretending Santa this year.

Christmas Morning was lovely.  We all got up early - Taylor was delighted to see the cookies were almost all the way eaten.  As was the last pretzel!  Did you know Santa liked soft pretzels?

Ayla learned all about opening presents this year.  She like it!

And look how happy she is to get her very own make-up brushes.  Now she can play with HER OWN and not mama's!

Princess Tiana panties!  Do Christmas's get any merrier? 

Ah, surrounded by Christmas splendor - beautiful!

Ayla loved her bubbles, she played with them forever.

All in all a lovely morning.  After our own morning together we went to Grandma and Granddad's for brunch and  more Christmas cheer.  A beautiful day to be sure.

So we have now thrown-up four times and she keeps running to the bathroom saying she needs to go potty - nothing yet.  This small post has taken almost all of Mary Poppins so far, that is what happens when I have to jump up every 3 minutes to help an ailing Taylor.  I am feeling a bit off myself, though I think that could be nothing more then the power of suggestion.  A powerful thing our imaginations!

"fiddlesticks boy!  You feed the birds and what do you get?  Fat birds!"  Heehee, makes me laugh each time.  So many little known quotes from Mary Poppins that I love.  Such as "I am not a may-pole, kindly stop spinning about me."  Priceless!  I always swear I will enter "spit-spot" into my everyday vocabulary every time I see this movie.  Hasn't happened yet, but it will!   I should see if our library has this book.  I have decided to start reading a chapter every evening of a chapter book to my kids before bed.  I think I may start with Peter Pan as it is a favorite of Taylor, but perhaps Mary Poppins will be next. 

Have you all heard of my desire to organize my life?  I have been forgetting things too much, being generally un-reliable, I always feel behind and overwhelmed by the house and I am sick of it.  So now, every morning I have been getting up at 6:30 (I can do it only through sheer will-power) and taking some quiet time, a moment to pray and ask God to bless my day.   I make my to-do list and check my email without small hands pulling on my and saying "old-ju, old-ju" over and over and over and over and over and over......  Then I get coffee started and breakfast made.  It is one of the ways I can show my wonderful husband how much I love him - by making breakfast for him every morning.  I do so hate doing it, but it makes a good start for the day for both of us.  And if it makes his day better I am happy to do it for him.  And baring ear infections, stomach flues and other illnesses, a good start to the day can make the rest of it so much better.  My list today included:  Call a particular friend, start on organizing Ayla's room; stick to our new daily schedule and write on my blog....well I have done one of those!

Is it really only 10:00am?  Oh goodness this day is going to be a long one.  Ah well, such is the life of a mom.  I will take my leave of you now.  Taylor just said she is feeling a little better now so we shall see if she would like to sit up and hear a story.  I am not brave enough to try any food, but sometimes just sitting up can make a difference. 

Many blessings on you all, and may you stay healthier then us!


1 comment:

  1. Great post, Sarah! Had us laughing and grinning at your girls' antics.

    Praying Taylor gets well soon, and that the rest of you don't get it.


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