Monday, January 25, 2010

Pussy-cat Mew jumped over a coal,

And in her best petticoat burnt a great hole.
Poor Pussy's weeping, she'll have no more milk
Until her best petticoat's mended with silk.
                                               - Mother Goose

A year or so ago I went to a usborn book party (perhaps some of you reading this were there with me) at this party the host did a "break the ice" game of asking all the ladies there to write down the names of all the nursery rhythms they knew.  Well, the clock started and I started writing....then the clock stopped and I was still writing...  When we counted it up I had more then double the number written down then anyone else there.  And I would have had more if they had given us more time.  Now, I am not saying this in a bragging be perfectly honest I am not even sure if it is even something one should be proud of.  You see, at the time I was able to laugh it off saying I had two little ones and my oldest was in a nursery rhyme craze at that moment...but to be perfectly honest; I could have written all that and more way before I ever had children.

Nursery rhymes have always held a certain appeal to me.  Not sure why, but they itch a literary scratch that I was born with.    It must be hereditary - I believe my mother possesses the same itch.  For instance, has anyone here ever heard the rhyme written above?  I have yet to find it in any mother goose book I have ever bought or looked though.  Perhaps because it is so sad?  But as a child it was my very favorite - it was said often and loved dearly along with many many others.  I suppose even then I must have had a flare for the rhyme?   Now Taylor has heard this rhyme and could honestly care less about it.  My drama princess sees no purpose in a whining kitten who takes unnecessary risks.  Instead she loves the brutal honesty of Humpty Dumpty, I suppose in their basic structure both rhymes somewhat follow the same story line.  Both characters do something that was a bit risky, and both pay for their risk by having to deal with the consequence (unlike the Duke of York who's monotony could make any child yawn). Now that I think of it, Poor Pussy is actually kind of lucky. She only has to go without milk for a day or so while Humpty doesn't make it through at all...I guess my rhyme is pretty cheerful considering!

Nursery Rhyme aside, I want more banana bread.  Taylor already had a second piece so I know it is ok.  I think I shall put some water on for tea too.  I am out of my wonderful mango tea.  I still miss it!  I shall have to enlist someone who has a Trader Joe's close by to send me some...I wonder if they sell online...

So who all is coming to my housewarming party?  Make sure you let me know if you are - I want to make sure I have enough food.  My rule?  If you don't tell me you are coming and you show up, we will be very happy to see you...but you don't get any food!  Well, that is unless all the rsvp-ing guests have already had their fill and we have created, filled out and signed a petition agreeing you may eat.  But it is a long and tiring process so I suggest you simply rsvp to save yourself all that heartache and stress - and of course to save all my "good" guests the inevitable writers cramp.  That just would not do at a party after all.

Speaking of writing - I have decided to take on a second career...or is it third? Either way, I have decided to start looking up and entering some writing contests.   I did one last week and though I didn't win, I had a lot of fun doing it.  So if anyone knows good resources to find reliable ones let me know. 

Alright, alright - I will admit to the elephant in the room (no not that one, I will deal with that one in time - I"m just not ready yet!!) Er....I mean.....never mind.  I mean the fact that I never got around to posting house pictures.  I have no excuse.  I am setting slightly more realistic goals for myself this week.  For instance, I want to get my desk cleaned up.  If I can manage that I will consider myself victorious! 

Ah, tea - lovely!

Alright my beloved readers, I have much to post on what I have learned from my children this week and any other deals or fun things we have been up too - but this turned into a rambling-of-ideas post so I shall leave it that way and promise to do my best to post other things later this week....come on, I do it sometimes!

In parting I shall leave you with another one of my favorites:

Goosie goosie gander where shall I wander,
Upstairs, downstairs and in my lady's chamber
There I met an old man who wouldn't say his prayers,
I took him by the left leg and threw him down the stairs!

So in closing - May you stay clear of geese and may no one throw you down the stairs!


  1. I can so see and hear your mom reciting nursery rhymes to you. ;)

  2. I quite enjoyed reading your post I was almost sad it ended.It has
    been a while since I heard that last nursery rhyme. Thanks for the
    pleasant memories.


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